Online Quran Recitation
Learn Online Quran Recitation.
Why do you want to learn Quran Recitation?
The answer is too easy and doesn’t need a long explanation.
Are you Muslim? do you pray?
You need to learn the correct reading of the Holy Qur’an and its meanings and verses. The most important question is How you can learn Quran Recitation in a short time and easily at your home?
With Rattil Qur’an Academy’s
“Learn Quran Recitation Online “ Course, you can count on us to learn Quran recitation.
Our goal is to focus on learning Quran Recitation Online correctly and reciting fluently.
We accept all levels and ages to join our classes. You are always welcome among our students. It is never too late to learn. just Challenge Satan and win the round. Add to your credit the reward of Quran recitation.

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Age limit for this Course
It is always preferable for children to start learning the Qur’an at a young age of 4 or 5 years so that the words of God remain etched in their minds better. It is also preferable to start learning Quran correctly based on tajweed and recitation.
Quran for kids course specification
This course is designed to suit anyone from beginner to expert to improve Quran Recitation. so, our tutors will take you in the course step by step to reach our goal to be fluent in reading the holy Quran. our students will learn all the rules of tajweed in detail and get practical lessons followed by exams .to be ensure that our goal is achieved.
In addition, you will learn
1. Noor Al Bayan
2. Noorani Qaida
3. Arabic Alphabets
4. Quran Recitation fundamentals
5. Tajweed rules.
Online Quran Recitation Course features
Rattil Qur’an academy takes all your needs and tailors it to a course with wonderful benefits and features.
Quranic words perfectly
Quran Recitation with Quranic letters correctly pronounced with 100% Arabic accent. our tutors will help you to read Quran fluently.
Qualified Tutors
our teachers are Native Arab tutors .they will make your learning Quran Recitation is more perfect. for fast progress, Our classes are set up in one-on-one.
Affordable Course
in Rattil Qur’an academy we make our courses are suitable cost to help all Muslims worldwide to join learning the Quran